First time>>> I own my own name tag to be a temporary teacher^^
First time>>> We become teachers.... (even though it is just temporary teachers), still...sooo excited
see... all looks excited huh? LOL
First time>>> I stepped into a school (S.K Sri Aman) as a teacher...(a two-weeks teacher)
First time>>> People keep calling us: "teacher~ teacher~", except for Gjol... wahaha XP
( Reminds me the game "Teacher-students" which I played with my friends years ago)
Luv the kids...muacx..hehe^0^
First time>>> we have our own seats in the staffroom...
Our seats..hahaha
First time>>> Gjol drove us to school....~Scary
First time>>> Our ears pain pain listening to Gjol's Dva concert in the car. -.-''
To be continued....(Swan's S.E)
Weh~~~nice wor,cikgu~~~hahaha
Nice experience. Good luck to you. ^.^
haha did ur student call you miss khor??
oh my gosh...miss khor miss khor can u teach me this?? hahaha
anyway glad u r so enjoying ur life
Yen: haha..thx^^ The school is really nice.. the kids too very cute~~
Elaine: Thx^^ Good luck to u too.
Sukyee: Thx^^ nope.. they din~ haha.. Guess they don't know what is my sir name..haha XD
nape ltk vid konsert i????????
n i more thing, b le plak i memecut
i said it that day i will put that video in my blog XD
erm.. u memecut mase u nak corner tu.. me and sarah duk belakang tu " wow, why suddenly memecut?!!" LOL..
ade ek...
maybe sbb i tak nak bg org mencelah depan i....lalala
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