Wednesday, 23 September 2009

BFF ~>Breaking Fast Fun ^_^

It was 2 Tesol 3 BFF (Breaking Fast Fun) night ~~ My class members decided to hold a small breaking fast party somewhere outside our campus.

Our chosen location --->Pak Hussin Tom Yam Restaurant

Erm...erm.. Not much to crap on ...
Let us just sit back and let the pictures tell the story^^
Below are some of the captures of the day

Our arrival~~

Camwhoring while waiting for the time to break fast ^^

Tracy >> desperate-for-food look ...

The most excited one @Aliah became the time keeper of the day^^
Let's take a look on the food...yummm...erm....

I guess I already know why the whole process is called break fast/ buka puasa(in Malay language)

We need to 'buka' (unpack) the food to break our fast ~~~swt-.-''

woooish~~ see how quick zawa and zahida unpacked the food...-.-''

One minute before breaking fast~~

One minute later>>> no more talking nor craping, the sound of the battle of spoons and forks was the only thing we heard at that moment.

and the food battle began~~~

Result>>The food 'vanished' in less than 15 minutes!!!...(well, u can see how hungry were we)
Now let's spot the difference~~
Before >>>

After >>>

That's all for the night~~Thanks to all the "fast-breakers" for giving full commitment and participations, 2 Tesol 3 managed to held a small celebration to break fast together

p/s: would like to take this opportunity to wish Selamat Hari Raya to all my muslims friends.^^ Sorry if i have done any mistake during the year^^

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